First of all, our neighbors right next door to us are moving by the end of the summer. We are quite sad about that since they have been great neighbors.
Second, the people here really are quite nice to each other. For instance, on Saturday I was draining Nate's pool, which is like a 50 gallon thing. So there was a lot of water, and it was draining for at least an hour. During that time, our neighbors behind us (the ones who like to party and have a foul mouth,) and the neighbors next to us (the ones who are moving) both came over to let us know that we had water running from our deck. So how considerate.
Also, we went camping this past weekend, and me, being the space cadet that I am, forgot to close the door. I didn't forget to lock the door, but I did forget to close it. I wasn't sure that Jesse had his keys, so I didn't close it, and then we drove off without looking back. (Which is of course weird, because as we got into the car to pull out we were looking right at the open door, but just didn't notice it.) Anyway, when we got back on Saturday afternoon we found a note inside of our door saying that our neighbors were concerned that we had left our door open, so the police came by and locked it. It was probably Mrs. Louise, the old lady who lives to the other side of us, and is kind of a neighborhood watch. She I'm sure noticed that we were packing up, and then noticed that my car was gone, and then as she repeatedly went out to make sure that he car was locked, noticed our wide open door. She is observant like that. When I'm gone for the morning she always asks me where I have been, and when I leave she asks me where I'm going. She's nice, but in the early stages of Alzheimer's I believe. So we do have neighbors who are concerned for our well being.
Of course, there is always the other side. Mrs. Louise, whereas she is very nice and friendly, is a bit of a crazy driver. I guess there have been incidences. Well, we had one of those on Friday as we were packing up our car.
Yes, she knocked over the first section of our fence. I didn't see it, but Jesse was looking out the door as it happened. Apparently, she hit it, and paused for a second, and then just kept on driving. I haven't seen her since it happened, so we'll see what she says next time we see her. I'm just glad that I don't have to deal with it. I called my landlady, and she kind of laughed about it. She used to live in this house, so she is familiar with Mrs. Louise and all of her crazy antics.
Oh well, so this one goes out to all of the neighbors. Thanks for the concern, and keep on being crazy. It gives me something to blog about.