The second quilt that I made was much more simple than the first. I decided that I wanted to make a trip around the world after I was looking through old pictures on the computer, and saw a picture of a trip around the world quilt that I had made for someone else. I knew that I wanted the squares to be smaller, and of course, the quilt to be small. I found a pattern, and made it work. It was done by tube piecing, which I've never done before. It wasn't too bad though. The unpicking is minimal, so it was OK. It was hard to get it all even though, but at the end of the day, it's hard to tell. And my corners are phenomenal. (If I do say so myself.)
There is no ornamental quilting on this one. The borders are just too thin (I had only a certain width of the backing, which is the same as the other quilt, to work with.) But I did decide to quilt through ever single diamond, so it ended up being a lot of quilting anyway. But it was pretty fast. Of course, I could not avoid seams, so that was a bit annoying. Oh well.
Anyway, now she has her two quilts, and I hope not to have to hand quilt another quilt for a very very long time. My fingers still have not gotten over it!