I quilted it in a silver thread, and that was a mistake. It looks nice, but it broke 4 needles in the process, and broke about a billion times. Then, since I'm such a glutton for punishment I also decided to use the same silver tread along with this variegated holiday thread to do a hand quilted embellishment on the border. I didn't think I would ever finish it. Both of these threads are difficult to work with individually, but together, wow. Shoot me now. But I finished. I even put a hanging sleeve on the back of it. Something I've never done before. I don't have a place to hang it, or something to hang it with, but maybe one day in the future I will. It's kind of a weird size. Too small for a lap quilt, but still kind of large.
So anyway, that is my latest quilt. I just finished the binding tonight, just in time for the talent show tomorrow.