So not that anyone reads this blog anymore, since I don't post very often. I'm guessing unless you have it listed on your blog update list, you don't come anymore.
Anyway, I did finish a new project. I actually have another one finished, but it's not given yet, so on the slightest possibility that this week Heather starts reading my blog, I'll wait until I've given her the quilt to post photos. But I'm just saying, it's stinkin' cute. So be prepared.

This quilt I made for my old college roommie Mary, and her cuter than cute little boy. It is another star quilt, and this is the 3rd one I've worked on. This time I did it different. Instead of cutting templates and piecing that way, I just stacked all nine fabric squares together, and made the cuts all at once. Then I sewed, and trimmed the excess. Super easy.
Unique tidbit about this quilt, it is a stash quilt. I didn't buy any new fabric to make it. Not even the back, batting or binding. But anyway, it turned out really cute, and I sure hope that it arrived at its destination today.