Saturday, May 24, 2008

Potty talk

Ok, so readers be warned, this post is all about the bathroom.
So this morning we went to go and see the new Indiana Jones movie. Which BTW, is pretty good. The only complaint that I really have, aside from ***SPOILER ALERT**** the whole alien thing ***END SPOILER ALERT*** is that the entire second half of the movie has water noises in it. This is unfortunate if you happen to have to use the bathroom.
So that brings me to the end of the movie. I went to use the restroom after the movie was over, and there were lids on the toilets. Which, in a normal restroom you would not expect any of the lids to ever be down. However, these were automatic flushing toilets. So the sensor will only go off if you close the lid. I immediately saw this as being the best idea to ever come to the public restroom. There are several problems that I can see are eliminated by employing this idea. First of all, the toilet will not flush until you are ready for it to. Always a plus. Also, those auto flushers are pretty powerful, so there is always a considerable amount of spray, and that is also eliminated. I feel pretty strongly about putting the lid down when you flush in any situation. When you flush the toilet it sprays teeny tiny little toilet waters all over the place- think about that the next time you brush your teeth. Anyway, here is a public restroom where I do not have to feel like I was covered in poo water by the time I exited the stall. So yeah, that only leaves the problem of the jerks who do not close the lid and cannot figure out why the toilet is not flushing.
Anyway, sorry of the nature of this post. But, it's my blog, so that's my right.

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