Saturday, August 9, 2008

Oh, the pain

Ok, so yesterday I tried to do a speed work interval run. By the end of the work out (yes, all of 10 minutes of it) I was limping as I ran. Not an uncommon thing these days. I'm thinking that perhaps I am over-training or something. Or, I'm just fat and this is what happens when you put too much weight on your knees. Anyway, I'm hobbling around, and today when we tried to run it was just comical. Jesse looked back at me after he took over stroller duty, and he decided right there that perhaps we should walk the rest of the way.
BUT... I am not done. I am going to take it easy, perhaps ice my knee every night or something, I don't really know the rules for this stuff. I just know that I cannot give up this early in the game, I just need to change the game a little bit. In case it is not painfully obvious to the rest of you, pretty much after the first week I decided that I will never be ready for the half marathon in October, so I'll have plenty of time to get into shape so that I can train for that. Who knows, maybe I'll go all out and do the marathon next year.
Of course, Jesse plans to do the half marathon this year, and then wants to do a spring marathon, and then do the JFK 50 in the fall. But that's ok, Colleen said that she would try not to get pregnant again, and she would run it with me next year. What a good friend she is.
So there you have it, I can hardly walk up and down the stairs, but I am not deterred. I still plan to have regular exercise in my life.


Mary said...

Lars, I think what you're doing is awesome. I know from my own experience that as little as 10 extra pounds can make my knees and especially my hips feel much sorer than usual when I'm running. It might help if you take more walk breaks in between jogging (not sprinting) to give all your joints and muscles a break. Cheers! Keep up the good work.

Becky said...

I know it's challenging, but I still admire the effort and have to appreciate your humility in sharing the painful experience with the rest of us couch potatoes. If you can't do the half in October, what about finding a 5k or 10k in the fall instead? Just a thought on finding something to shoot for... Good luck!

The Boys Mommy said...

Keep up the good work (despite the pain)...and as for Colleen, she's probably banking on you being pregnant next year:) :)