I decided to quilt flowers into the border, and on the center square. I was very pleased with the end result since I did it all freehand without drawing it on first.
Friday, February 27, 2009
Another quilt
So the last quilt that I made for Ashley was a hit at the shower, as they always are. But one girl in particular was oohing and ahhing over it. She is having a baby shower tomorrow. It is someone that I didn't really know until I was called to be the Enrichment counselor, and she is the enrichment leader, so now I work closely with her. Anyway, I like to make quilts for people who I know will appreciate them, and I know that she will. She was also commenting on how much she likes stars for babies. I had quilted stars into the quilt for Ashley. So when I saw this pattern I thought of her. She's having a girl, and I wanted to use some more funky fabrics, so this is what I came up with. 

Oh, and did you notice that this is the same pattern that I made that little pillow for Nate out of?
Friday, February 20, 2009
A Title Change
So I finally did it. I finally went and changed the title of a post ages ago that I made. It was titled something like A misbehaving apres-midi. Except, not exactly that. Look at my tracker on the side, and you can guess what the real title of it was. Anyway, that is how most people who don't know me find this blog, sickos out looking for something less than wholesome. And I just don't feel comfortable supporting that, so I decided to change it. I'm sure that the people who found it were quite disappointed to find that all that had happened was Nate dunking the baby toys in the toilet while I was taking a nap on the couch with infant Graham. Anyway, hopefully that will put a stop to it. Whew, that feels good, and is long overdue.
Afternoon Project
So I was supposed to baste and start quilting a quilt that my mom made for my grandma today, but I can't find my basting spray at the moment. I know that I just bought some, but I don't recall where I have placed it. So instead I picked some fabric to start working on this cool star quilt that I saw in a quilting magazine. If I had seen this pattern when I was making Nate's baby quilt I would have done it. It is just about exactly what I was looking for.
Anyway, as I had my fabric stash out Nate saw this yellow rainbow striped fabric and claimed it for his own. In fact, he said he would trade it for the big log cabin quilt I made for him. So I set out to start cutting some of the pieces. It is a template quilt, so it takes a while to get all of the pieces laid out right before cutting them. But I did it. And then I knew that Nate was not just going to let me take the blocks away, so I had to make them into a pillow. I guess I'll have to recut these fabrics to put into the actual quilt. Anyway, it's a cute little pillow and Nate seems to love it. So that is how we spent our afternoon.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
And the Winner is.....
And the winner is Starlight! It was a crowd favorite along with barn raising. And to back you up Nat, Stained Glass was one of my early favorites. Now, I can't just do a quilt like the instructions say, because I'm a dork like that. This quilt actually was one of the first quilts that I have made from a pattern in a very long time. Mostly I just look at a quilt, and am too cheap to buy the pattern, so I figure out one myself. Anyway, back to the point. I kind of changed it up just a tad. Maybe you hate it now, but I like it better, and that's what really counts. Jesse finally helped decide on this pattern because one of his favorite Muse songs is called starlight. He asked if we could make it a musical quilt, but finally settled on that being the quilt's theme song. (Something every quilt needs, right?) Anyway, so now I need to put the borders on. Sisto's was having a sale last weekend, so I got some border fabric. Then I still have my 50% off coupon at Needles and Pins, so I can get the backing, and a 40% off coupon at JoAnn's will get me the batting. Not too bad.
ps. And don't mind the cat. Any time I put a quilt on the floor at all, Lizzie (and Graham for that matter) take that as an invitation to walk all over it.
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