Thanks to a marathon quilting day with my friends Jana and Colleen I got the quilt top finished for baby girl. The first three of the block rings are pleats, which after I quilt it, I'll get a close up to see the effect. Also coming after I quilt it will be little flowers that I'll attach in the center of each block. They will be made out of the brown fabric with the pink dots, and if I ever get the brown fabric with the green dots that I ordered, that two.
Now comes the fun part- quilting it. Sounds like a mindless activity to keep my hands busy while watching conference.
I'm going to say it, I kind of wish that I had made all of the blocks look like the four that have the dark rings in the inside, and the light rings as the outer rings. I thing that would have been a better effect, but both Colleen and Jana told me I should do half and half. I honestly don't know which way I would have gone on my own- that's why I asked their opinion, because I didn't know.... I didn't feel like wasting all of the fabric to do them over again though. That is the problem with not having a pattern to work off of- you just don't know exactly what it's going to look like at the end of the day. Oh well. I still like it.
I also made another one of those suspended car seat blankets, and I promise to soon get the pattern up for those. Look for a give away on the family blog in the next weeks. I'm almost at my 200th post!
1 comment:
I think it's beautiful! When it's in use, all wrapped around your little Bundle of Joy, the colors, pattern and quilting will look fantastic. So, no second thoughts allowed. Your aunt Chris (not to be confused with your brother Chris) is always amazed at how much sewing you do!
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