Tuesday, July 22, 2008

An Altercation

Ok, so today I did something I am ashamed of. I lost my temper with a child who vandalized my satellite dish. He was just a kid, maybe 5 or so, but I yelled at him, asking him who his parents were, and that they were going to have to pay for it, other things that I should not have put on a 5 year old. As it turned out the mother was near by. So she started yelling at me for yelling at her kid, and we went back and forth for a while, and pretty much I came away feeling awful, but all pumped up at the same time.
The problem was that this kid had like, hung on the arm of our dish, and had broken it, so the whole thing is going to have to be replaced, and I was thinking of what that was going to cost me. So I went in and called the police so that I could file a report. I didn't even know who this girl was. But she had been talking to my neighbors behind me, so I talked to them, and apologized for being such an obnoxious brat in public, and they were talking to me about how she is a bit of a bad parent, and on and on, and how I didn't need to apologize to them.
The thing is that my friends were here for quilting, so Colleen got in her car and followed her home, so that we could find out where she lived, and then I got more info from my neighbors. Then when I was out there taking a picture she came back and we had a civilized conversation where I apologized profusely for the completely inappropriate way in which I had acted. Anyway, it kind of ended better, but I had already called the police, so yeah. They came, and took a report. This way in case I needed to take an action later on, it would be ok.
Of course, the moron that I am, we don't have renter's insurance. It has always been on my to-do list, but never got done. You can be assured that tomorrow I'll be on the phone with State Farm. I called Dish, and they were going to send someone out, and it was going to cost me upwards of $300. And $99 of that was just for the visit. So I called these other people, who Dish contracts out to anyway, and had come out to fix our reception a few other times, and they were going to do the whole thing, visit and equipment, for $100. Plus, they were going to be here earlier.
Anyway, it's the first time I've ever done that, and I feel bad about it, and totally embarrassed. On the other hand, it made for quite an exciting quilting night. Jesse is at a movie today, so he's going to be excited when he gets home and sees that. I sent him a pic message. THe movie should be getting out any minute now...

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