Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Bad timing

So I have my race this Saturday. Unfortunately last Saturday I went running with my new shoes (I love them) but my knee had been hurting before I left, and then it really started to hurt after I got back. (My feet on the other hand, were feeling lovely.) So all afternoon on Saturday and Sunday and Monday I was limping around because my knee hurt so badly. So my legs are feeling better by now, but another complication has come up. on Sunday I awoke with a cold. So now I feel miserable. I don't know what I'll do come Saturday if I still feel this rotten. I guess that I could walk it and still do ok. It's not that long.
In other news, last Saturday Jesse ran 10 miles. So he's well on his way to doing the half marathon. Good for him.

1 comment:

Becky said...

When it rains it poors. :( So sorry to hear about all the uphill battles!