OK, I don't know that anyone actually reads this, but well, here I am at 100! I only started it over 2 years ago. I guess I got side tracked with the family blog.
Anyway, in celebration of making it to 100, I am having a give away. The randomly chosen winner will get a custom made note pad, or coloring pad, your choice.

so let me be the first to say that there are more than 100 things about you to admire. But you wanted a resolution so here is one of mine: I resolve to read scriptures EVERY day - no missing for any reason.
New Years Resolution ... Probably heard this before but this is one of mine for this year, even if it is cliche, I resolve to work out at least three times a week, every week, to get my health under better control.
I would like to be more clutter free in 2010!
We started this weekend and I hope we can keep it up. Wish us luck, we need it! LOL
Cute notepad holder thingy, Lauren. I actually hate New Year's resolutions and refuse to make them. Tom always gets annoyed by this because he's such a goal setter. Does this comment still count? :)
Hi there I love those crayon holder pads...so for my resolution, I plan on starting to walk at least 3x a week starting tomorrow...keep your fingers crossed... crochetoholicdebb at msn dot com
100th post! Way to go! My one and only 2010 New Year's Resolution is... to have perfect attendance at work. So far I'm 4 for 4!
My goal is to not kill my children. We'll see how that goes. I came close yesterday -- they were driving me nuts!
Oh, and if I win, you can choose someone else. I totally know how to make those.
Your Dear Friend Jana (DFJ)
Lauren, I love the coloring pad. I've been thinking about making something like that for my girls for church. So regardless if I win or not I'm coming after you for the pattern! Oh, and my New Years resolution is work out a cleaning schedule so that my house isn't a disaster all the time and completely spotless when I clean the entire thing once a week. I'd like it to be semi-clean all week long.
Cool Lauren. If I don't win, can I get the pattern. My New Year's Resolution is to feed my mind, body, and spirit so I have more to give. Mind: I've made a list of books I want to read. Body: I bought Sweatin to the Oldies with Christmas money and plan to use it every morning. Spirit: I'm going to set aside 1/2 hour for communion with the spirit every day (preferably during naptime). I will read scriptures/Ensign/write in my journal/pray.
Well, I came across your blog at the right time it seems (tho I wonder would you pay to send the prize all the way to Brisbane, Australia?)
In 2010, I am going to get more involved in the volunteer work that I do. That for me is something that will do not only me some good, but a whole lot of other people.
All the best to you and your family for 2010.
A new reader from Brisbane, Australia.
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