My friend Jana recently had a cute as can be little baby. So my other friend Colleen and I got to work on this baby quilt for her. Now, we've known that Jana was going to have a baby girl for well, 5 months or so, but well, we had a hard time getting inspired by the fabric and patterns that we were looking at. Finally, about 3 weeks after the baby had already been born we went to the local fabric store again, and we saw this fabric line that screamed "Jana!" (It actually screamed it, it was a magic fabric with a voice box.)
*side note: I was talking to Jana on the phone this morning, and we were talking about the quilt shop, and the new fabric lines there, and she started to describe this fabric line to me, and how she loved it, but was so proud of herself for not getting it. So I thought that since the quilt was finished, but we had not given it to her, I thought it would be fun to get it over to her right after we had that conversation. So that's what we did.
Back to the quilt though. So we bought the fabric, but had no idea what we were going to do with it. So I was fooling around with simple patterns that afternoon before I was supposed to head to Colleen's house to start working on it. I came up with this butterfly square, and I thought, well that'll be cute. And it was.

So we made the quilt. It actually didn't take us very long at all. Looking back there are a number of things I would change if I should use this pattern again, just so that it would be more obviously a butterfly.

We had extra fat quarters left over, so we pieced the back as well.

If you look back at the first square, you can tell how I quilted it. I thought it added to the butterfly-ness of the quilt. On the border I just did chains of flowers. So hope you enjoy it Jana's baby. It ought to keep you warm through this cold winter we're having!
Super cute. By the way, the quilt you sent me has a place of honor on our nursery wall. We love it!
It is even cuter in person. Thank you x3! I took it with us to the Y this morning and got such compliments.
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