Sunday, October 21, 2007

Why I'm losing my needles

So I'm thinking that maybe I'll start a blog. It's not that I'm a particularly interesting person, or that I do particularly interesting things, but maybe I want to leave my mark on this world, no matter how small it is. So here I sat thinking about doing a blog, and they asked for a title, and I just didn't know at all what to put. So I start looking around at my incredibly dirty computer desk, and the mess that has been accumulating for the past few weeks (The maid didn't clean it this week because I was sitting here.) So on my desk is a paper plate with some napkins on it, and on the napkins is a mostly empty needle packet. The problem with these needles is that the packet that they came in has started to become loose, so the needles never stay where I want them. It is just one of the many problems in my life. So now I have this plate full of needles, and I need to figure out what to do with it. I keep on thinking that I need to go to the store and get a needle storing device. The problem with that is that I'd actually have to go to the store. It's not that I don't like going to the fabric store. It's that there isn't one close by me so I'd have to drive like 25 miles to pick up a $1 needle storing devise. I just don't see the worth in it. Plus, I'd have to take my 2 year old, and well, that just starts getting messy.
So there you have it. I'm losing my needles because I'm way too lazy to do anything about it. So there they sit on a plate on my computer desk. One day someone is going to knock the plate over and the needles are going to go flying all over the place, and one or all of us will step on them, or put them in our mouths. And there is my life. Now no one will ever want to read another entry, but you know, you get what you pay for.

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