Another project was this pinata. This was also a papier mache project. It was a huge hit. Nate helped make the face, and that is why the nose is on top of the eyes. We made this for a party at Nate's friends house. It was actually a great party and pretty much all of Nate's friends were there, and more importantly, pretty much all of my friends were there. Now that most of the kids are in preschool it has been really hard to get a large group of us together. The kids loved to hit the pinata, but I made it a little bit too strong, and it took forever to break it. I guess that's better that it breaking on the first hit though. I've never made one before though, so I had no idea how thick to make it.
This is the wall hanging that I managed to finish. Jana gave me the pattern and the star hanger for my birthday this year, and I finally managed to get it done a few days before Halloween. She also gave me a pattern for Thanksgiving and one for Christmas, we'll see how fast those get done.
And lastly, this is the quilt that we made for Colleen. This is just the top, Jana is going to quilt it on her mega quilter. Something like this ought to take her like half an hour. Colleen had a little baby boy a few weeks ago, and in the tradition of my quilting group, we made the baby a quilt. I sure hope that right now is not when Colleen decides to start reading my blog.
So on top of all of those things, I have done a little baking for the Witch's Tea Party that Jana had on Halloween Night. It was a lot of fun to just sit there and invite people up for a nice little treat.
Next month I have some holiday sewing to do, both as gifts and I got this kit to make this really cool Christmas Tree hanging. But no proton packs to make, so that makes life a lot easier.
Look at you gettin' down with your creative self. Way to go! :) I did a grand total of zero Halloween decorations and costumes this year. you've got me beat! :)
I love the wall hanging. It turned out so cute! You totally have time to do a Thanksgiving one.
I have not yet loaded the quilt, but intend to soon. Eek!
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