Wednesday, November 5, 2008


So 20 years down the road some things are going to be very different around here, and our kids will never be able to comprehend how hard we have it these days.
For instance, they will not be able to comprehend having to have actual discs to listen to music or watch movies. They will not know the heartache of having to learn to refold a map. (and read it on your own.) I think mostly thought, it's going to be television that will be different. They will not know about having to wait patiently for your favorite show to be on, and then actually being in front of the tv at that specific time. I think that "on demand" is the future of television, and it's going to change how we watch tv, and what we watch. I think that out of all of the advances in television, the most life changing one has been the invention of the DVR, or TiVo if you will. It's one of those things that once you have it, you do not know how you ever lived without it. Nate has had this luxury his entire television viewing life. He doesn't really understand when I tell him that he has to watch a certain thing at a certain time. Or when he wants to watch an episode of Curious George that was on yesterday, but we didn't record it, it's hard for him to understand that he can't watch it again. It changes the way that you view things too. I think that it is turning us into a very inattentive society. Think about it, how many times have you been listening to the radio, or watching a movie in the theater, and you missed something, and wanted to rewind? It happens to me all of the time. That is because I can rewind live tv.
Well, it is because I COULD rewind live tv. This morning I was sadly informed that my dvr has died. Apparently there is no hope for it. Now, fortunately for me, since it is a dvr, and owned by Dish Network, and the such, they will just ship me out a new one free of charge. BUT IT WILL TAKE 3-5 DAYS!!! Oh, the humanity of it all. How will I survive? Mostly it's sad because Nate has been asking to watch a movie that was recorded on the dvr, and now he'll never have that movie again. (Ok, so that is maybe a little dramatic, but you get the picture.)
So there is my sad story. Mostly it'll be a pain because Nate will continue to ask to watch things again and I'll have to say no. (Ok, so it's only a pain because of the whining, I guess it does have it's upsides.)

ps. Before you send me your condolences, and the such, I guess I should mention that I do still have the ability to watch live tv. It's just the dvr features that are broken.


jlk said...

I send my condolences. I think Curly would die if the DVR broke. Think of all those episodes of My Name is Earl that we have saved!

Kate said...

I'm so sorry for your loss. My life pretty much revolves around the DVR.