Wednesday, November 28, 2007


Well, I had a doctor's appointment this morning, and well, I'm not having the baby today. We'll put it that way. I do have an induction scheduled on December 4th. It was actually quite an annoying appointment. It started with no parking spaces near the office. So I had to park all the way around the building, and walk like forever to get to the office. That started things off. I kept on thinking that they ought to have some parking spaces saved for those who were unfortunate enough to make it to their last week. Anyway, so I was annoyed about that. Then I got there, and it was busy, so I knew that I was going to have to wait forever to be seen. I sat in the waiting room for half an hour, a new record for me, and then I had to wait in the exam room for another 20 min or so. So the doctor came in, and she told me that I was not making any progress, so I expected that, but was still annoyed by it. Then I told her that I wanted to schedule to be induced, and she goes on and on about how she'll see what's available next week, and they only have a certain number of slots for inductions, and I'm thinking, you'd better get me the first slot that you have or I may have to break your face. So she said that she would have the nurse call me the next day to schedule a time to come in. So I walked out of the office quite annoyed because I was not progressing, and I didn't even have a time scheduled to come in. Then of course I had to walk all the way around the building to get to my car.
So I was then driving to Adrian's house, and I was still mad at everything. A car cut me off as we were making left turns. He thought that it would be ok to turn from the left turn lane into my right lane. So I was mad at that. Then at JoAnn's there were no close parking spots there either, and they don't have stork parking. I just wanted to shout "doesn't anyone care that I am 9 months pregnant?!" And of course, the answer would have been, no. So then I was stuck behind some annoying slow cars after that, and well, let's just say I was in a pretty crummy mood. Fortunately for me, my friends are wonderful, so as soon as I got there, my mood improved drastically.
So then it was time to go home, and I noticed that I had a voice mail, and it was the dr office, so I called back, and she said that she had scheduled me to be induced. So that was good news. She told me that I needed to call at 6am (Who is up at 6am?) and they would tell me if I needed to come in then or not. She also said that they may bump me to the next day if there were too many people there. Which come on, really, adding insult to injury? As if I'm not frustrated enough that I have not gone into labor, you would be saying, no you can't have your baby today because of all of these other people who actually have bodies that will initiate labor, and they come first. So I may call at like 5:30 just to be one of the first to call in case the last person who calls gets bumped.
So anyway, that is my story of the day. I'm still annoyed that I have not had this baby yet, and I'm off to go walk up and down the stairs a million times in hopes of getting this baby to come before Tuesday. So there is my story, it's not going to make the Times, but you get what you pay for.

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