In other news, I have the secret to all happiness as a mother. When Nate was born I received a cd called Baby go to sleep Heartbeat music Therapy. It says really big on the cover, STOPS CRYING GUARANTEED! The lady who gave it to me wanted me to try it out to see if it worked. I guess that I was the one who was having a baby when she got it. Anyway, I tried it on Nate and it worked wonders. It did stop him from crying, and it put him to sleep for a long time. He now is 2 and he listens to "the moon song" to go to sleep. (Sesame Street- I Don't Want to Live on the Moon.)
So Graham is a pretty content baby as I have mentioned. He really doesn't cry much, and when he does cry I can usually stop it, or at least know what it's about (He's mad because he's not latching etc...) This afternoon for the first time in his short life he was crying and crying and I could not do anything to stop it. I figured he was tired, so I tried to give the Binky, and that was not met with success. I tried to nurse, and he would for like 30 seconds and then start screaming again. So I thought, now is the time to pull out the big guns. I came downstairs and put the magic cd on, and before the intro to the first song was through, he stopped crying hysterically, and he was sleeping. Like, seriously, if I could be their spokesperson, I would.
So you can go to babygotosleep.com and find out all about this miraculous cd. I have given it to many people, and it has been met with varying success. I think the key is to use it while they are still tiny, and then you can have success with it while they are older as well. Even if it doesn't put your baby to sleep, it will probably at least calm them.
There you have it. The secret to my sleeping babies. Nate slept through the night at 2 months, and I'm hoping for similar success with this one. Well, speaking of sleeping Nates. It is time to go wake mine up from his nap. So there you have it, wonderful advice for all new moms. This time, you get more than you pay for.
I think I know who "Sgt malarkey" and "losing my needles" are. Your blog gave a few more clues:). Speaking of which, why you didn't let me know you even had a blog till just now I can't even fathom. Anyway, I'm glad it sounds like things are going well with little Graham! And mom and dad and Nate, of course.
Music can soothe the savage beast, that is true. I used classical when Patch was tiny. Today, he doesn't so much relax to it as dance in circles. He's a ballerino.
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